English is an international language that everyone needs to master. Especially in an era that has entered globalization and modernization as it is today. English is an intermediary language between nations to communicate. Not just needed when traveling or traveling abroad. Moreover, learning English is important to work in big companies.

In Indonesia, more and more multinational companies employ employees from various countries. Not only that, local companies also prioritize employees who have good English skills to open up more opportunities to work with various parties, including foreign private companies.

The demand for good English skills is a must for today’s youth who will face the challenges of the future world of work. For those of you who have not yet hone their English skills, it is better to be prepared from the start so that they are more mature. You can take English courses that offer many different classes. Both national exam preparation classes, classes for the world of work to classes for business.

But indeed improving English language skills through courses costs a lot of money, although it is guaranteed that learning is easier and more focused. Even so, it does not mean that learning English cannot be done independently or self-taught. This method is an option for those of you who want to improve their English skills but don’t have much money or time to take courses. Self-taught English can also encourage you to be more creative.

Here we summarize how to learn English quickly self-taught:

Have a Clear Goal

Before starting how to learn English, it would be better if you set a clear goal of why you need to improve your English skills. For example, you have to study English to prepare for the national exam or college entrance exam. Or it could be because you want to apply for a job in a company or government agency, one of which must have an English score above 500.

By having clear goals, learning will be more focused on achieving the desired target. Not only that, this goal can also be a reminder to yourself when you feel bored and unmotivated in the middle of the trip. By remembering the initial goal, you can spur yourself to get back excited about completing the mission in order to achieve the desired target

Set Study Schedule

How to learn English independently or self-taught, does not mean learning at will. Self-taught learning also requires time discipline in order to achieve maximum results. That way, you need to set a regular study schedule. For example, determine the time to study 30 minutes a day or an hour a day.

If you don’t have a lot of free time, you can set a schedule for how many days a week you can use to learn English. For example, three times a week, namely every Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Thus, self-taught English learning can be done regularly and with discipline. What’s more, if you study it in an kampung inggris online, you can study anywhere and anytime

Listening, Writing and Reading Practice

How to learn English by self-taught, can be done by training yourself to listen, read and write. An easy initial step can be started by practicing listening such as listening to English songs, listening to video content, listening to video interviews, you can also watch English films.

That way the brain will absorb the English words that are heard through the ear. The words will be processed and remembered by the brain. Better yet, if it is written or recorded in a book every new vocabulary acquired. The note can then be read again at a later time and can be searched for its meaning in Indonesian. So that in not only remembering vocabulary, but also being able to understand the meaning and context of words.

After listening and writing, the next way is to learn to read. This can be done by searching for books, articles or news that are in English. By reading, the brain will also absorb new vocabulary from reading material. If you don’t understand the meaning of the new vocabulary, you can open a dictionary. In that way, it can help in understanding the meaning of the reading and the context of use of each vocabulary used.

Practice Speaking with Monologue

After practicing listening, writing and reading, to improve English language skills, you can practice speaking in monologues. By speaking a monologue, it can be an opportunity to practice the pronunciation of vocabulary possessed with proper pronunciation.

In addition to speaking monologues, you can also learn to show expression and process words into conversational sentences that you want to say. To practice self-confidence, you can practice it in front of a mirror. This way you will be more sensitive to the mistakes you still make when learning to speak English.

Practice Routinely

The self-taught way of learning English will be in vain if it is not practiced regularly. Memory is easily lost when not trained to continue to remember and practice what has been absorbed in the brain. Therefore, to get maximum results, you need to practice and practice it regularly.

It could be by speaking a monologue, it could also be by finding friends who are already fluent in English or who are both practicing English. In this way, learning English can be practiced in everyday life.

Take an English course

Still related to the previous point, one way to be able to practice English in daily life on a regular basis can be by joining the English community. By taking an English course in this kampung inggris, of course you will get friends who can be invited to learn English together.

Friends in this community can also be partners or interlocutors to practice English dialogue. So that by joining this English community, you can provide more opportunities to improve your English skills.

Don’t be afraid to be wrong

Lastly, the self-taught way of learning English is to learn not to be afraid of making mistakes. Errors that occur during the learning process are normal. Even with the mistakes we make, it can be a self-evaluation tool to be corrected in the future.

The more mistakes you make, the more you learn to be better. So don’t be afraid to make mistakes in learning English, confidence is important in the learning process.