The purpose he all the time wears flannel got here from his father, who, when asking young Al to assist in their very own varied home tasks, would put his old flannels on Al to maintain him clear or heat. He is extraordinarily frugal and suffers from male-pattern baldness, both of which make him a frequent goal of Tim’s jokes. It is mentioned that he has made a variety of bad enterprise ventures (such as a drive-thru pet store), was divorced twice, and didn’t end college (as talked about by Jill’s sister in a single episode). Martin “Marty” Taylor (William O’Leary) – Marty is Tim’s youngest brother by ten years. As their father died when Marty was only one year old, Tim is the closest thing he knows to a father. Marty was typically picked on by his older brothers, a lot as Mark is by Brad and Randy.
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